Prayer & Deliverance

Prayer & Deliverance Sessions

If the spiritual problems you face are too tough and you feel bound in your spiritual life or held back from being all that God calls you to be, a prayer & deliverance session can help. Jesus Christ wants to set you free. You are not a failure. Remember that God loves you! He has provided a spiritual family for you, and families take care of each other. When spiritual problems that face us are too difficult for us to handle on our own, it is likely a good time to contact a ministry like ours. Our deliverance team members are trained to help people with precisely these kinds of problems.

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Common Spiritual Problems

Common problems that people may seek out a deliverance prayer session include:

  • Severe temptation or habitual sin

  • Negative self-image

  • Difficulty to forgive

  • Disharmony in relationships

  • Depression, anxiety, anger, etc.

  • Feeling cursed or under a negative influence

  • Past or present involvement with the occult (horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, crystals, Tarot cards, Reiki, Ouija boards, etc.)

If you feel that you may have a more serious problem (e.g., more severe forms of spiritual bondage or oppression), we can definitely help.

Lastly, if you are just not sure or have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out. We can speak with you via phone, email, or video chat to help you determine if a deliverance prayer session may be beneficial. And you can remain entirely anonymous. (Just give us your real first name.)

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Scripturally Based Approach

Jesus spent much of his ministry teaching spiritual warfare and the demonic realm. Considering his public ministry, he spent most of his time preaching, healing, and delivering people. Accounts of Jesus ministering deliverance are plentiful:

● Mark 1:23-28 Jesus cast a demon out of a man in a synagogue

● Luke 13 – Jesus casts the spirit of infirmity out of a woman

● Matthew 8:16

● Matthew 8:28-34 – Gadarene demoniacs

● Mark 1:23-34

● And more

We can see that he trained the disciples to do ministry, gave them the authority to heal and cast out demons (Matthew 10:1, Matthew 10:7-8,) and sent them out. After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, we also see the early church ministering deliverance.

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